The Prophetic Hermit is a character in Fable III. He is encountered during the quest The Prophetic Hermit and lives in The Veiled Path.
He is a popular hermit in Aurora and is famous at the City of Aurora. He many followers who brings him a jar of brain so he could predict their futures. One of his followers include Karen, she sees him a wise man. He lives in The Veiled Path in a tent he made for himself at the top of stairs and his followers comes to visit him at his tent. He also talks with the dead.
Fable III[]
The Hero meet the hermit after bring him a jar of brain given to him by Karen. He greets the Hero and says that he knew that the Hero would come to him as he saw him over the horizon. He asks the Hero why he came to him. He reaizes that his disciple send the Hero to him to give him a brain. He says that a long time has passed since he had a fresh delivery and that the old brains have said their piece. He takes a closer look at the brain mumbling them he says that the brain speaks from beyond the dark veil.
He tries to hear it but then he mentions that it is rude. He says that nobody never knows what are they going to talk to the dead and mentions that the fellow had a quite mouth on him metaphorically speaking. He thanks the Hero for delivering the brain and that his followers will not forget it.
- He will talk about predictions of the hero's future, which mostly consist of vague descriptions of things that the Hero has already done.
- He is wearing a mask that is similar to the masks that the guests are wearing at Reaver's party.
- He predicts to the Hero that Hobson is declaring the Hero to everyone in Albion at the throne room.